
Jan 12, 20202 min

Arcade Machine

Updated: Oct 14, 2020

Some 20 plus years ago, I found myself in the clutches of the gaming world. I was always playing Street Fighter at Robinsons Galleria on weekdays and on weekends. I was one of the few girls playing it and I was pretty good at it too. However, life demanded change and as years had passed, the arcade became nothing more than a memory, a distant memory.

Fast forward to the present.. it was the Christmas season and my mind was busy with thoughts on which presents to give this person and that person. Ooh I had so many ideas because gift giving is one thing I enjoy on Decembers. As one idea led to another, I stumbled upon an advertisement on arcade machines that were sold for about 125,000.00 Pesos each. I figured that the price was reasonable enough and so, I made my inquiry; just as I was ready to say yes, I decided to look around first and I am so glad that I did. For one, I was able to save thousands and I am blessed with 2,200 games in 1 machine... imagine playing Street Fighter on a Saturday morning then playing battle city on the same day at my convenience. It is almost like a gamer's paradise.

3A's arcade sells customized arcade sticks and machines. I told them exactly what I wanted and how I wanted it - 24 inch screen monitor with my site logo at the top of the machine and street fighter embracing the rest of the design. Communication was easy and soon after I paid for the machine, I just waited for it to arrive and it did not take longer than a few days. Now, it sits comfortably in our game room and whenever I open the door to our game room, it's the first thing that I see and the sight is amazing.

If you enjoy gaming like I do, then an arcade stick or a machine like mine is worth it. If not, I'm pretty sure your kids would love to have one.

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