A collection of mods that focus on crafting butter from different creators.

Watch my short video, My Sims Make Their Own Butter, and see how my Sims enjoy the final products.

The butter crafted from Pied Piper's Churn is compatible with many other creators' recipes.
♥ Index
- Churn
- Butter
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Sims 4 crafting butter - a collection of mods focusing on crafting butter from different creators.

by Pied Piper
A functional churn that produces dairy products.
Dairy Churn

by Icemunmun
A dairy churn that makes dairy products.
Requirement - Functional Mill
Ye Olde Cookbook

by Littlbowbub
Sims can go hunting and foraging in the forest to gather fresh ingredients for the abundance of new recipes. But they can also stay home and make tons of butter.

by Brazenlotus
This recipe will allow your sim to craft a block of butter from a Preserving Shelf or the Brazen Homestead Craftbooks.

Sims 4 crafting butter - Setting my butter block for three hours.

The Mason Jars and Spread Dish are from SimVault. They are pretty but non-functional.
I modified them and turned them into storage. You can do the same!

Thank you for visiting!
♥ Pukingking
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Installing Custom Content and Mods
Step 1 Every mod/custom content should be placed in My Document>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4> Mods
Step 2 If the cc/mod you download is in .package format, you can place it anywhere you want in the Mods folder. You cannot put it inside a sub-sub folder if it is a SCRIPT mod. If it's a ZIP file, unzip it and follow the instructions above.
Step 3 Enable cc in-game. If you're using script mods, also enable script mods in-game.
Installing Sims and lots
Step 1 Every mod/custom content should be placed in My Document>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4>Tray
Step 2 If it's a ZIP file, unzip it and follow the instructions above.
Step 3 Enable cc in-game. If you're using script mods, also enable script mods in-game.
Step 4 Go to your Sims 4 Gallery in the game and look for your Sims or the lots you had just installed. You should be able to enable your custom content in the gallery if you can't find them.
NOTE: After each patch, the game will automatically disable custom contents; you have to enable it
in-game again.
Concerns? Feedback? Do let me know.
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Some of the images used can be credited to the following:
I like crafting mods.