Let's play dress up!
The new clothing is Japanese inspired: kimonos and wooden slippers are just some of the handful that your Sims will enjoy wearing.
Below is a list of what to expect.
Boys and Girls
Hairstyles - 3
Hat - 1
Shoes - 2
Full Body Clothing - 5
… and new styled outfits.
Hairstyles - 4
Hat - 2
Shoes - 2
Full Body Clothing - 7
Clothing: Top - 3
Clothing: Bottom - 2
Accessories - 2 gloves
Hairstyles - 8
Hat - 2
Shoes - 4
Full Body Clothing - 8
Clothing: Top - 3
Clothing: Bottom - 2
Accessories - 2 gloves
Teens to Elders
Hairstyles - 3
Hat - 3
Shoes - 8
Full Body Clothing - 8
Clothing: Top - 1
Clothing: Bottom - 7
Accessories - glasses, gloves, watch
Female (Teens to Elders)
Hairstyles - 14
Hat - 3
Shoes - 8
Full Body Clothing - 11
Clothing: Top - 11
Clothing: Bottom - 6
Accessories - glasses, gloves, watch, earrings
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