Custom contents and mods that are too good not to share.

Please note that it is a must to keep your downloads updated. New patches and updates for The Sims 4 may or may not cause your downloads to stop working. Most creators update their files immediately, all we have to do is redownload. I will keep a lookout for updates, and update this page as well.
Installing Custom Content and Mods
Step 1: Every mod/custom content should be placed in My Document>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4> Mods
Step 2: If the cc/mod you download is in .package format, you can place it anywhere you want in the Mods folder. If it is a SCRIPT mod, you cannot place it inside a sub-sub folder. If it's a ZIP file, first unzip it and follow the instructions above.
Step 3. Enable cc in-game. If you're using script mods, also enable script mods in-game
Installing Sims and lots
Step 1: Every mod/custom content should be placed in My Document>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4>Tray
Step 2: If it's a ZIP file, first unzip it and follow the instructions above.
Step 3. Enable cc in-game. If you're using script mods, also enable script mods in-game
Step 4. Go to your Sims 4 Gallery in the game, and look for your Sims or the lots you had just installed. If you cannot find them, you might need to enable your custom content in the gallery.
NOTE: After each patch, the game will automatically disable custom contents; you have to enable it
in-game again.
Please be guided accordingly:
Blue Custom Content - Deco only
Green Custom Content/Mods - Functional Objects
Yellow Custom Content - CAS (Sims, skin overlay, make-up, eye colors, clothes, etc.)
Red Custom Content - Build Mode (Includes Lots & House, rooms)
Purple Other Mods - Gameplay/Tuning Mods
Orange Custom Content/Mods - Food/Recipes
Turquoise Custom Content - Sets
Table of Contents (Part 2)
Click the CC/Mod name for info.
♥ 03.21.2021
♥ 03.26.2021
♥ 03.27.2021
♥ Other Downloads
- March 21-27

01. Custom Food Objects

A set of objects for easy access to Icemunmun's custom foods.
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I have tons of custom food in my game, and these custom objects are very helpful. It makes it easier to find recipes, and they look good in my Sim's kitchen. My favorites are the pots and cookbooks.
02. Custom Foods 03/21

Four (4) custom cakes with custom ingredients (optional).
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strawberry chocolate square cake (03.21.2021)
seafoam ombre cake (03.21.2021)
rainbow macaron cake (03.21.2021)
superhero bat cake (03.21.2021)
Just like the normal EA cake, these can also be baked for a Sim's birthday.
03. Bust the Dust Tweaks

This mod does two things, which makes the Bust the Dust kit much more playable: tweaked moodlets, and no dust bunnies.
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The introduction of the Dust the Bust Kit was an exciting one for me. But trying to play my game with it installed was a nightmare. My Sims could barely do anything other than vacuum. Luckily, others felt the same way and managed to find a solution to lessen the nightmarish hell that the kit brought upon my Sims. With this mod, I have the option to play with zero dust bunnies and not spend all day vacuuming.

01. Custom Foods 03/26

A set of objects for easy access to Icemunmun's custom foods.
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BBQ Chicken Sliders (03.25.2021)
Eggplant Parmesan (03.25.2021)
These two additions to my game do a lot for me. Most of all, it's hard not to notice the creativity and how well done they are.
02. Deep Fryer

Deep fryer is a kitchen appliance that gives you french fries, onion rings, squid rings, fried chicken drumsticks, and more. You can also experiment with sauce pairing - Icemunmun's canning station can help with this by crafting an array of sauces.
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This is one custom object that I adore - so many recipes to choose from, the ability to add sauce, and simply having a deep fryer in my Sim's kitchen is awesome. There is more to just deep-frying a couple of drumsticks... there are pros and cons too when eating the products which depend on which oil is used and how often your Sim eats fried food.
03. Rice Cooker

Meet THE Rice Cooker: Find two new cooking appliances under 'Appliance'-'Small Appliance': Rice Cooker! (A low-end version 'Nice For Mice Rice Cooker' and a high-end one 'Fillips Co. Intelligent Rice Cooker', one at the price of 875 and the other at 4445)
Upgrade Your Rice Cooker: There are custom upgrades to the rice cooker, including modules that improve food quality, shortens the time for cooking, keeps the food warm and fresh. The ultimate upgrade will instantly improve the quality, warmness, and freshness of the food! The high-end rice cooker will come with all modules upgraded, consumes less power, cook higher quality food, and give your Sim a focused moodlet! Eco Upgrades included!
Cook with Ease: Tired of watching your Sim stand blandly in front of the stove or oven? It's never the case with the rice cooker! Just pour the ingredients into the cooker, and wait for your delicious meal while doing more important stuff!
Warm Recipes: Congees and Rice cooked with the rice cooker will be preserved inside the cooker, and when the rice is newly cooked, it will give powerful buffs and benefits to your Sim. You can always warm the recipes up after they got cold though!
Rice and Congee: There are over 20 new recipes exclusive to the Rice Cooker, each has different buffs and benefits for your Sim! All available in restaurants!
Last Updated
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It's the little things that make a difference in playing Sims, and this is one of them.

01. Custom Food Project - Chinese Food Interaction

This mod adds a custom interaction to your fridge that allows your Sims to cook Chinese food, like dumplings, lantern festival recipes, and Beijing roast duck.
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Custom Food Project (03.25.2021)
More cultural food in my game is always a good thing, and I can say that I do not regret downloading this mod and installing it. Not only do I have an additional fridge interaction, but I also have a few more recipes that grace my Sim's table every so often. In addition to this, your Sims can enjoy dumplings in 9 different ways.. download this mod, it's worth it.
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